湖南旅游_沈阳定制网带式电加热烘箱_外贸行业有哪些工作岗位_即墨疫情防控最新消息 摘要





In the information society, there is a need for targeted access to information, but the expansion of the access is basically the direction of people's efforts. Because of the deviation in the perspective, people can often obtain different types of information, which is also the most difficult subject for technology to overcome. Aiming at the problems such as the Ili tourism strategy website, this paper studies and analyzes the Ili tourism strategy website, and then develops and designs the Ili tourism strategy website to solve the problems.

The main functional modules of the Ili tourism strategy website include rotation map management, system announcement management, tourism information, information classification, system users, tourist attractions, scenic spot types, ticket booking information, and strategy introduction. The object-oriented development model is adopted for software development and hardware installation, which can well meet the needs of actual use and improve the corresponding software installation and program coding, MySQL is used as the main storage unit of background data, and SSM framework, JAVA technology and Ajax technology are used to code and develop the business system, realizing all functions of the system. This report first analyzes the background, role and significance of the research, laying a foundation for the rationality of the research work. Based on the analysis of the requirements and technical problems of the Ili Tourism Strategy website, the necessity and technical feasibility of the system are proved, and then the technical software and design ideas needed to design the system are introduced. Finally, the Ili Tourism Strategy website is implemented and deployed to use it.

Keywords:SSM technology; MYSQL; Ili Tourism Strategy Website






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